The people of LifeStory Church have a variety of denominational and non-denominational backgrounds, but have come together to overcome traditional barriers and dogmas that they may seek and find the truth that is the Word of God together. We are a family church, not only because we love children and believe in providing traditional childcare (Sunday School), but because we cultivate a feeling of belonging... We believe in "Doing Life Together." We aren't meant to travel through this life alone. All believers are His children, we should see ourselves as family.
We believe that the Word of God comes alive when the key of Grace is inserted. It is a scarlet thread that runs through the entire Bible, Old Testament and New. We believe that Love and Mercy are the greatest tools we could use to touch the hurting and the lost.
At LifeStory Church we hope to restore confidence in the Word of God to the believer. To teach an understanding of how to "rightly discern the word of truth", separating the truth from mistranslated tradition and misguided cultural influence. Context matters! We predominantly have an exegetical approach in our teaching(Chapter by Chapter, Verse by verse), though issues of the day may frequently warrant addressing specifically from the pulpit. We believe that honest searching will lead to finding answers where answers are available to humanity.
Jesus said: “‘Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened’” (Matthew 7:7-8).
We are also a church that feels called to engage the issues of the day. We choose to stand up, stand on, and stand for the Word of God.
Pastor Chad & Amber Randall and Family
It is our sincere desire as a body of believers to live out the values found in the word of God, and our role in furthering his Kingdom. We have purposed in our hearts to speak the Gospel of Jesus Christ unapologetically in a way that overcomes denomination and traditional stigmas. We seek to build a church that at its core is a training ground that equips and encourages believers to speak and stand for the truth when faced with the lies that are prevalent in the world. We seek to inspire leaders, and future leaders of our community to push back against the demonic agenda in this world that seeks to infiltrate and destroy the foundational institutions of our society; marriage, the nuclear family, schools, government, et al. Worship is a powerful part of our relationship with God and an essential part of our service at LifeStory. The Holy Spirit led contemporary music sets the tone and flow of the entire service.
The Bible:
We believe the entire Bible is inspired by God, the original texts are without error, and it is the authority on which we base our faith, conduct and doctrine. (2 Timothy 3:16-17) We interpret the the Bible literally(Hermeneutics); idioms, figures of speech, and metaphors are identifiable and explained plainly and do not affect core doctrines. We believe that Context matters and is of paramount importance to understanding the Bible, which is the Word of God. (2 Timothy 2:15)
"It shall greatly help ye to understand scripture if thow mark not only what is spoken or written but of Whom and to whom, at what time and where, to what intent." - Myous Carmedaos, 16th Century Bible Scholar and Translator
The Trinity:
We believe in one God who exists in three distinct persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God who came to this earth as Savior of the world, and that there is no other name by which man can be saved. (Acts 4:12,
The Father sent His Word, His Son, into the world to provide a means by which humanity could return to Him. An offer that is inclusively offered to people of all tribes and nations. Jesus demonstrated the Father's love, wishes, and character to the world. The Holy Spirit now indwells believers having sealed them when they believed, He acts as helper and comforter to believers, in addition to being the restrainer of evil in the the world.
We believe that Jesus died on the cross and shed His blood for our sins. We believe he rose from the dead and is coming again. We believe that salvation is found by placing our faith in what he did for us on the cross, and his resurrection is evidence that the atoning sacrifice made our our behalf was accepted by the father. We believe that when we believe, the Holy Spirit seals our hearts guaranteeing our inheritance as heirs to the Kingdom of God. It is then that the Holy Spirit begins to change the desires of our heart, leading us into the good works that He has prepared in advance for us to do.
In short: FAITH + NOTHING = SALVATION & WORKS are the result of the new desires that accompany a transformed mind and heart.
Repentance is not a work. The word repent in the Greek is the word "metanoia," it is made up of two words: meta & nous. Meta means "after" or "change", and nous is the Greek word for "mind". The word means "after-mind" and signifies a change of mind: thinking one way, but then afterwards thinking another. Thus, the command to "Repent" (Acts 2:38) is a command to "change your mind." The unbeliever is called to "change" his or her mind from unbelief to belief. Therefore repentance is not a work. Continued "repentance" is viewed in the context of the process of sanctification as the Lord continues to grow and teach us, and is not salvational as is the initial soul saving change of mind.
Calvinism or Arminianism :
LifeStory Church dos not ascribe to Calvinism, Reformed Theology, and Lordship Salvation. We do not believe God picks winners and losers for heaven and hell. We all have free will regarding whether or not we accept God's offer of Grace by Faith. Though God knows, by foreknowledge-knowing the end from the beginning, who will and who won't accept Him, He doesn't force himself upon anyone, nor does He withhold himself from anyone that would otherwise be saved. He is actively trying to draw all men to himself via his kindness. He would have it that none be lost.
Additionally, LifeStory Church does not ascribe to the tenant of Arminianism that proposes that the regenerated man must maintain his salvation for fear of losing it. God is able to keep those he has made his own, those He has sealed by the Holy Spirit as a down payment "guaranteeing" their inheritance as sons and daughters of God. Those who fall into behavioral sin patterns may in this life "reap a whirlwind" having "sown the wind" in this life, and may forfeit eternal rewards, they may even bring temporary discipline/training upon themselves, yet they shall be kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation.
Ages and Covenants:
LifeStory Church adheres to a dispensational view of Biblical History. The patriarchal(Adamic age) age predated the Mosaic age(The Law). We are currently in the Age of Grace that began as Jesus fulfilled the Law and established the prophesied New Covenant. We await the Millennial Age that will come when Jesus returns after the 7 year tribulation.(Dan 9, Revelation) God has been intentional, throughout the ages, to see to it that His plan of redemption would find it completion in the finished work of Christ, and He will continue to see it through until all His promises find their completion, and the final epoch achieves its end. In every dispensation the basis of salvation was always the blood of Christ, the means of salvation was always by grace through faith, the object of faith was always God. Grace by faith is evident in the OT via type and shadow; it is the "scarlet thread that runs through the full counsel of God, Genesis through Revelation."
- Dr. Chuck Missler
Water Baptism:
We believe water baptism is a symbol of the cleansing power of the blood of Christ and a testimony to our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. (Matthew 28:19) Baptism isn't a condition for salvation, it is the outward expression of what has already happened internally/spiritually.
We believe in the regular taking of Communion as an act of remembering what the Lord Jesus did for us on the cross. Jesus (Yahshua, His Jewish Name) partook of the Passover Seder, "The Last Seder" before He was sacrificed for our sin, becoming our Passover lamb. In doing so, he instructed us to do the same in remembrance of his fulfillment of the Passover prophecy.
(1 Corinthians 11:23-25, Matthew 26:26-27)
The Christian Church has NOT replaced Israel in Prophecy. Replacement Theology is a satanic lie that has 1st century origins and had a role to play in the holocaust. The promises made to Israel in the Word of God are to the Nation Israel not the Ecclesia of Jesus Christ and they remain. LifeStory Church supports Israel as the prophesied 3rd Kingdom that was reborn in 1948. This 3rd Kingdom of Israel is a time piece that identifies the period of History that we are living in.
That doesn't mean that we support its secular government blindly. Prophetically the nation of Israel will, having rejected Jesus Christ, ultimately embrace the anti-Christ as its Messiah. The seven year tribulation is Israel-centric as it is called "the time of Jacob's trouble" for a reason. Through Tribulation Israel will come to realize they crucified their true messiah, Every knee will bow, every tribe will confess at that time that Jesus Christ is Lord.
LifeStory Church adheres to a pre-millennial theology regarding the interpretation of scripture and prophecy. This is an important distinction as it determines whether you take the word of God literally or allegorically. A previously stated, we take the Word literally. We believe thusly in a 7 year Tribulation period (Daniel Ch. 9 and Revelation) and a Rapture of the Church. While the timing of the rapture of the church may be debated by true believers, we firmly teach a Pre-Tribulation Rapture. We believe there is a difference between the Rapture event of Christ coming to meet his bride in the air and the 2nd coming of Christ to the earth that will occur at the end of the tribulation period, that happens before the millennial reign of Christ on the Earthen throne of David in Jerusalem.
We believe that marriage is ordained by God to be between one man and one woman. LifeStory church is not an LGTBQ+ affirming church. We believe that the homosexual lifestyle is clearly identified as a sin in the Bible just as bigamy and other forms of sexual fornication. While all sin is forgiven and covered by the the atoning sacrifice of Jesus by faith, any sin adopted as a lifestyle cannot be condoned. Furthermore LifeStory Church condemns the demonic agenda that is pushing its transgender lie and ideology upon our societal institutions and children. Additionally, we believe that the man is to be the head of his household and a godly marriage should follow the model found in 1 Corinthians 11 that states that, though both are equal they have different roles; man is to be the head of the woman and Christ is the head of the church.
Women’s Role in the Church:
We believe that women play a vital role in the church, one that is just as important as men, for both men and women make up the body of Christ.(1 Corinthians 12) However, women should not hold a position of authority, such as pastor or teacher, over a man per Gods established biblical order throughout the word, and specifically 1 Timothy 2:12 which says, “And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man” and 1 Corinthians 11:3 which reiterates Gods intended structure for marriage with the man being the head of the woman as Christ is the head of the church. Additionally though; Women can and should absolutely lead and teach other women and children. (Titus 2:3-6)
Additional resources to study and understand our position:
We believe that Pastors are called to lead their sheep and advise in every arena of life including politics. In 1954 the Johnson amendment wrongfully threatened churches with the loss of their 501C3 tax code standing should they engage in endorsing politicians. Since then Pastors and churches have disengaged political speech, thus leaving a leadership void that has been filled by corrupting voices. The truth has always been that Religion leads culture and culture leads politics. The absence of Pastoral political leadership has led our nation to the apostate place that it finds itself in now. The Pulpits must engage in political speech for the sake of the sheep and the nation.
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LifeStory Church
Worship Service on Sundays at 10:30am at Rutledge West in Pegram, TN
Copyright © LifeStory Church - All Rights Reserved.